Tuesday, July 22, 2008

All About Eleri

Now, I recognize that just a few posts back, I myself said that infants aren't so interesting and that I'd try to keep perspective on that here on the blog. But over the weekend, my sister in law asked, "what's Eleri like?" and I realized that, of course, each baby is his or her own person from the start.

So, a few things we know about miss Eleri Ruth:

She was born with eyelashes (apparently most babies are not).
She's a pretty calm baby (perfect for a second child!).
When she's not calm, she has a very, very loud cry.
She has very intelligent eyes, and often furrows her brow to create a concerned expression.
She can really sleep. In the hospital, they were worried about her glucose, so she had about 8 heel-sticks in 24 hours. By the end they were doing them while she was asleep, and she didn't even stir. (She didn't stir for her entire newborn screen!).
She particularly loves to sleep on her belly, even better if it's on someone's chest.
When sleeping on your chest, she kicks your belly with her feet- whether to curl her way into fetal position or try to climb up your shoulder is unclear.
She makes very noisy breathing sounds, like a pug.
When she's hungry, she stretches her neck and makes her mouth into a little "o" and she looks like the wise old turtle in the Neverending Story. This is my favorite expression so far.

Perhaps most importantly, she's patient with her big sister, who would like to love her and hug her and poke and prod her and "boo" her awake, all day long.

1 comment:

kwongs said...

this is the cutest video! welcome to the world, eleri!