Saturday, September 15, 2007

Biking! (we're regular athletes around here)

As if the walking was not enough excitement, Clio also had her first bike ride (outside of a burly). The trip to the bike store was, well, quite a trip, but let's just say Clio picked out the most expensive bike seat, wanted nothing more than to sit in it at the store, and wanted nothing to do with it once we got home. (She also terrorized a little girl in a stroller- a stroller Clio very much wanted to push).

But worse than that was the helmet. She thought it was HILARIOUS when the lady tried them on her at the store, but as you'll see, there were tears when it came time to wear it for real.

We got her secured (stopping short at strapping the foot-straps, which would have been like touching behind the retarded brother's ears in There's Something About Mary), and we were off.

We made it around the block. It's a start.

1 comment:

The Hewitts said...

We had the same problem with Laila. A helmet is lots of fun ... until your annoying parents MAKE you wear it.