Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Strawberry and Flowers

Can you tell I got the scanner going again?  Mostly because--practically speaking--I needed to clear my desk.  But the bonus for anyone who still  bothers to check this blog is the pleasure of Clio's book collaborations.  (And long term, I suppose the pleasure will be all Clio's, in having access to her "early work"!)  This one has all the captions on the same page as the images, but I'm typing them below in case they aren't legible.

Silly, silly, silly.

Crazy that you put these silly pants on my face!

I have everything on my face.
Dialogue bubble, left to right:

Silly, silly, silly earrings you have, Mama.

I hope so baby.

I love you Mama.

I burped.

Pretty Stuff.
Dialogue bubble: I can reach that cloud!

A strawberry, Just right for me!

Dialogue Bubble: I'm going to eat myself.

The Strawberry is going to eat herself.

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