Saturday, November 17, 2007

On the mend

All's quiet in the blogosphere- so glad I'm not the only one skimping on the posts these days. It's hard to say if it's because I've been sick forever and therefore lazy (or exhausted) and in bed after dinner, or because Clio has been sick forever and therefore is not doing much worth recording. But today we both feel nominally better, and Clio's been up to all kinds of mugging. She (mostly) mastered drinking from a glass on her own, she stopped calling all of the colors "yayou" and resumed using their actual names (now including "brown" and "black"), she learned to make faces by pulling the edges of her mouth out wide (photo hopefully coming soon), and she chased a lot of bubbles. The video's a little long, but it has some great moments.

And yes, our house is a total mess. I'm sick, remember?


kwongs said...

she looks so much bigger now!

Vishu said...

great video!