Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eloise Comes to Visit

Yesterday, I took a little break from bed-rest to have a playdate with my friend Kim and her daughter Eloise, who were gracious enough to drive from NJ to visit before the baby arrives.

We also had a visit from Sara Fenske, last seen in my San Fran girl's weekend, who happened to be in town for about 24 hours and was gracious enough to drive down from the Upper West side on her way out to the Hamptons.

After nearly a week of bedrest, it was fabulous to have company- and also a little chaotic. My hosting was reduced to a nice big pot of mac n cheese, but everyone was thrilled with it as if I had gone a little more gourmet, and beyond that we just let the girls run wild.

They created new games, like jumping off the window ledge onto the couch and running relays between Kim and the TV, grabbing a handful of Cheerios at one end and turning on (or off) the TV at the other; they did a pretty okay job of sharing toys (for a couple of 2 year olds), and hopefully did not freak out Sara, currently 7 months pregnant with her first child.

At the end of the date (and feeling out of practice where the blog is concerned), I realized I had failed to document any of this activity, and tried to get a portrait of the girls as a last resort.

Do you think they cooperated?

No, they did not.

I will say, as fabulous as it wwas to have company, I was completely wiped out. At least I know that my midwives are right: I do seem to need bed-rest!


sara said...

thank GOD you didn't use the photos involving what i am sure is my grotesquely swollen bottom half! i shall be forever grateful they are not living on forever in cyberspace...

was so good to see you all.

Dave said...

I love the 4 legged, 3 armed, one headed baby in photo 2. I was actually very concerned. Great work!

kwongs said...

i was really concerned too!