Thursday, May 5, 2011

Maybe Pants

This is probably my favorite of Clio's books to date.  Not least because she took it upon herself to do the binding, and it is all wonky and taped up, but it is a bound book nonetheless.

Mostly, I love her use of simile.  I told her the name for what she was doing naturally, the way she was making illustrative comparisons, and she seemed to like that it had a name.

Maybe Pants
by Clio Peterson
March 1, 2011

I am a robot, but I am a girl.
I have a moustache.

Dialogue bubble: I am OW!

Dots make this picture really graceful like a girl human.

My hair is as long as my mom.

Dialogue bubble: I am a Tooter.

Here is my mom.
She has hair that is brown and green.

This rainbow is as beautiful as a clementine.

This crazy thing 
is as crazy 
This P
This O
This A
and this N

The End.
I love you, you tooter.

Perhaps I should mention that Lucia had recently slept over and the three girlies though "tooter" was the funniest thing on earth.

"This rainbow is as beautiful as a clementine."  Makes my heart full.

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