For various technical reasons, we've been on a touch of a photo-taking hiatus, but I've got a few for you today. And, bonus: I'll get all historical on you, too.
Now, we all know that Superbowl Sunday is, like, a huge deal for most men, everywhere. And this year, New York happened to be playing. To be clear, Dave and I were not watching in support of the Giants because they are the New York team, but instead because they were the major underdogs, playing against big cheating jerks. (As Dave put it, the Patriots are like the Yankees; and guess what? We hate the Yankees. We boooooo the Yankees.) So, big game; even bigger than usual. (And the commercials did not fail to disappoint for once! Did you all see the Justin Timberlake Pepsi ads? Or, maybe it was Coke... I guess if I can't remember, that's a commercial that is disappointing someone- like the brand strategists who put it together).
Anyway. Any of you with small children who "aren't allowed to watch television" may have noticed, as we did, that the game started a bit inconveniently early. So, here's Dave, "reading" to Clio while actually watching the game.
And, flashback to July 9, 2006 when Clio, a mere 4 days old, got a nice warm place to sleep while her Dad watched the world cup finals.
She doesn't actually seem too interested in sports at this point. If Dora played football, that might be another story....
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