Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bed Time

Clio just spent a little time playing on the bed in the guest room- basically this consists of throwing herself down and/or falling backwards. It's lots of fun. It reminded me of some other great pictures from Italy. Dave and I were not impressed with the hotel Cassanova (although the location was great), but Clio didn't seem to see anything wrong with it.

Based on other pastimes, I was thinking Clio might grow up to be a dentist or a hairstylist. Perhaps we should add gymnast or aerialist to the list?

Also, notice that we're working with a new camera- our smaller point and shoot, while wonderfully portable, never could have captured all of the frames in this sequence. On the down side, we have even more pictures - and a lot more editing! Thanks to my aunt Missy for upgrading her camera - and upgrading ours by sending us her old one!

1 comment:

The Hewitts said...

What kind of camera is it? Is it huge? Do you love it?