I'll tell you, it's a good thing she gave in. Because I've seen the way she'll pose and ham it up for the camera- when our friend Justin (Dakota's dad) is holding the camera. Head on over to his flickr site to see Clio actually smiling on Halloween (but prepare yourself to wade through a sea of cuteness- baby Noah arrived two weeks ago). Or hiking the Betasso preserve- AFTER getting carsick, no less. And wait until you see her school pictures!
So it was clear she could pose and smile and say cheese like the best of them, she just wouldn't ever do it for her mother. Imagine my surprise when I asked, out of routine, and in a dejected tone, giving up before the fight began, "Clio, can I take a picture of your butterflies and glitter?" and her response was an enthusiastic yes.
Always the art director, she carefully chose her backdrop of dining room curtain and sliding glass door, and her pose, kneeling and flashing her belly. Charming. No, the teen years did not flash perilously before my eyes. No, I did not suddenly picture American Apparel advertising slash kiddie porn.
And she proceeded to mug. And her mother the former photo editor selected only the tamest of shots.

Then this little model got an idea. We would photograph this marble, and we would photograph it now.

Perhaps I should not mention that she (accidentally?) stole this from the toy store next door to the hair salon?
Mums the word.
P.S. Not sure what's going on with the photos- according to blogger, these are large and centered, though they look awfully small and left-justified to me. I re-loaded them twice and all looked normal until they were published. But if you roll over them with the mouse, you should be able to get a better look. Technical difficulties!
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