Monday, April 20, 2009


I have often referred here to the Perch moms, the group of women I was lucky enough to meet not long after Clio's birth (and named for the restaurant where we used to meet weekly, before we trickled back to work or to other states and on to second children). Now, we have a very active email list, slightly irregular moms-nights-out (Ladies, we are due), and the opportunity to get together (and wax nostalgic) as our kids hit milestones.

Yesterday, at Sam's first birthday party (see cupcakes and cookies, below), I was struck by Dave and Ahmer letting Eleri and Ibrahim get a good look at each other....

Much as Millie and I did with now-big sisters Clio and Zuzu two years ago at Zuzu's first birthday.

If I ever start tagging this blog, I think I'll need an archive section.

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