Friday, March 25, 2011

Little Helpers

Okay, while I'm at it, how about some pictures?

Dave has always been much better than me at directing the girls energy in a useful way. He finds great ways to engage them in what he is doing, rather than getting annoyed when they disrupt him or ignoring them, both of which are, admittedly, behaviors I occasionally employ.

Sometimes I find myself creating projects where they can be helpful, like baking cookies. But then we have cookies in the house that we didn't need. The other night we had tacos, Clio's a-number-1 favorite meal (Eleri's is holding steady at noodle with pesto), and the girls helped. Actually, truly helped.

The focus always amazes me. And isn't Clio cute, sneaking tastes?

It's funny, I know how very competent they are, and sometimes I have to remind myself that they are ONLY 2 and 4 as I expect so much of them (okay, closer to 3 and 5, but still.) But most of the jobs I find myself needing help with don't use the safest tools. Hence Clio cutting tomatoes with a plastic knife and me checking on Eleri every 2 seconds to make sure she wasn't taking the skin off her fingers with that peeler.

Also, how cute are those aprons? I think they were $3 a piece at Ikea, and the girls LOVE to wear them. I think it makes them feel that their helper status is official.

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