Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Next Generation

I heard a story on NPR this morning with conclusions from the census data about the shifting role of women: in the 1970s, marriage was considered the surest way to financial security for women, but nowadays women are likely to be more educated and make more money than their spouses, who now, reportedly (and yes, I'm paraphrasing), get the better deal.

How funny to watch Eleri tonight as she climbed up onto a chair, toting her baby and her laptop, and proceeded to "burp" the baby while pounding on the keys. I wonder if this next generation of moms will be far enough removed from their grandparents era that both waves of feminism will be a distant memory, and expectations around work and family life will have "evened out."

It's nearly impossible for me to imagine a truly "post-feminist" world, but it may be the one my daughters experience.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm glad that Eleri likes that Cabbage Patch baby since Clio was so definite in her rejection. momxxoo