Saturday, December 13, 2008

Clio Discovered the Sugar Bowl

It's hilarious that this has piqued such interest: I truly meant it as the declarative sentence that it is, though I realize I'm also working in shorthand right now, and I think such a non-post post was just me, missing my blog. So allow me to fill insome background, in my super-tired, half-delusional state.

For a while now, Dave and I have been on a fool's errand, trying to keep Clio from sugar without cutting it out ourselves. From very early on, she was really sensitive even to natural sugar (you could practically time her outbursts after eating a handful of blueberries or grapes), and it seemed best to just avoid the refined stuff altogether, though the ability to do so has slowly eroded as birthday parties and other outings come into the mix. Clio went to her friend Isabella's birthday party some weeks ago, and is STILL talking about the ice cream cake.

We often have oatmeal for breakfast, and over the course of many weeks Clio caught on to the fact that we put "brown stuff" on ours (picture it: one of us sprinkles brown sugar over our own bowls when Clio isn't looking, or while "hiding" behind one of the various items cluttering up our island countertop- very honorable), and then demanding that we add it to hers. As with salt, we do a mostly-pretend sprinkle, which satisfies her sense of getting what we have, gives just a bit more flavor, and, let's be honest, avoids the incessant demand "I want it."

We also have a sugar bowl on the table, which we have, on occasion, dipped in to in front of Clio; the ensuing conversation goes something like this:

"What is that?"
"This is sugar"
"Can I have some?"

Apparently she's had enough of this answer, because the other day Dave found her with very sticky fingers and no clue as to how much of the stuff she ate. So there you have it: Clio discovered the sugar bowl.

Incidentally, we had to throw out its contents because Clio has a never-ending cold, and even I, on the craziest sweet-tooth sugar tear of my life, would not go so far as using sugar that has potentially come in contact with boogers, even if those boogers belong to my own child.


Statia Grossman said...

I keep checking back to see if there's going to be any content to this post or were you just declaring that as a statement in itself?

Unknown said...

I want to know more too.

Anonymous said...

That makes three :)

sara said...

the waiting is killing me!!!
(glad to know i'm not alone)

Maud Duggan said...

In out house most foods are served with out sugar salt or butter. However I must Chime in with Clio on this one - Oatmeal can not be cumsumed by adult or child without brown sugar. Diffinatly a minesota Duggan rule. If I "forget" Lucia and Finn are quick to remind me.

Unknown said...

As I suspected, Clio's "discovery" was way more of a party in the mouth than Scarlett's discovery of the cornstarch box.