Monday, July 16, 2007

No Quiero

So, apparently when Clio was eating lunch today, and sweet potatoes (which she used to love but suddenly loathes) were on emphatic offer, she finally threw up her hands and said "No Quiero."

When Miriam and Alexa were telling me this, there was some confusion. I thought Alexa was just switching into Spanish in her explanation, and asked her to translate. Eventually I figured out that this was not Alexa's interpretation of an action, but that Clio had actually said the words (pronounced "No karo"), meaning "I don't want that."

What a way to start talking.

So you all have a visual of the beloved Miriam, here's a picture at last:


The Hewitts said...

Once your child knows more than you, it is all down hill. Let the humiliation begin. (Mine started when Laila kept saying "casa," and I tried to decipher what she meant. Finally, she pointed to a house and looked at me as though I am was idiot. I have never recovered.)

The Hewitts said...

Also, I can't seem to type, so I guess she was right. Can you edit comments? Perhaps I should make use of the preview button. Ooops.