first, that Dave is not in so many of the shots, and when he is, he's often on the outskirts. I wonder if this is in part because he is generally the family photographer and in part because I take terrible pictures. But I also wonder if it is because we girls in his life just expect him to be there, hanging in the background, because for us he always is.
Second, Dave seems to have three main modes with Clio, at least on film:
trying to teach her things, trying to make her look funny (crazy outfits, crazy hair, crazy gimmicks on camera), and quietly contemplating just how awesome and amazing she is. (Actually, he also has a sort of tall proud look he does a lot!)
This is an excellent combination- I believe it means she will grow up curious and adventurous, that she won't take herself too seriously, and that she will always feel tremendously loved and supported.
In a shout-out to my own father, I will mention that he is very much like that in his own job as Dad, and I feel that I'm certainly the better person for it.
Aw, shucks. I'm getting a little teary-eyed.
Because I love them both so much, I had a hard time editing the pictures down...
The other day Dave turned to me and said, "of all the babies, I'd say Clio is my favorite." Because I sometimes like to one-up, I'll go so far as to say that of all the people, Dave and Clio are just about my favorite two.
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